1700 K Street, NW, Fifth Floor |
Washington, D.C. 20006-3817 |
PHONE 202.973.8800 |
FAX 202.973.8899 |
| |
July 23, 2009
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
Mail Stop 4561
Attn: Maryse Mills-Apenteng
comScore, Inc. |
Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008 |
Filed March 16, 2009 |
Form 10-Q for Quarterly Period Ended March 31, 2009 |
Filed May 11, 2009 |
File No. 001-33520 |
Ladies and Gentlemen:
On behalf of comScore, Inc. (the Company), we submit this letter in response to comments
from the staff (the Staff) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) received
by letter dated July 10, 2009 (the July Staff Letter), relating to the Companys annual report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 (the 2008 10-K) and the Companys quarterly
report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2009 (the Q1 2009 10-Q) filed with
the Commission on March 16, 2009 and May 11, 2009, respectively (File No. 001-33520). The July
Staff Letter was sent in response to our letter to the Staff dated June 19, 2009 (the June
Response Letter), pursuant to which the Company responded to the Staffs prior comment letter
dated May 29, 2009.
In this letter, we have recited the comments from the July Staff Letter in bold and italicized
type and have followed each comment with the Companys response. References to we, our or us
mean the Company or its advisors, as the context may require.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
July 23, 2009
Page 2
Item 7. Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,
page 45
Results of Operations, page 53
Year Ended December 31, 2008 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2007 and Year Ended December
31, 2007 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2006, page 53
1. |
We note that your response to prior comment three indicating the components of your
specifically-tailored packages are not individually priced and that it would be unreasonably
difficult for you to attempt to quantify growth in revenue due to changes in volume versus
changes in price. You further state that the majority of your customers purchase
specifically-tailored packages. We note, however, your disclosure under Our Revenues on
page 46 that 83% of your total revenues were derived from fees charged for subscription-based
products. Please explain, given your response, how you were able to determine that the
revenue growth you experienced during fiscal year 2008 and the quarterly period ended March
31, 2009 was due in part to price increases for your products and services as indicated on
page 46. In this regard, please note that Item 303(a)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-K requires that
material changes in revenue be accompanied by a narrative discussion of the extent to which
such increases are attributable to change in price or increase in volume. |
The Company recognizes the importance of, and is committed to, providing appropriate
disclosure regarding its results of operations, including a narrative discussion of managements
view of the factors underlying material changes in revenue. In light of the Staffs comments,
the Company supplementally advises the Staff that, to the extent a material change in revenue is
attributable to a change in prices and is readily quantifiable or capable of being described in
narrative form, the Company will include such information in its future filings pursuant to Item
303(a)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-K.
However, the Company respectfully informs the Staff that it is unable to readily quantify or
describe in any meaningful narrative form the extent, if any, to which the period-to-period changes
in revenue described on pages 53 and 54 of the 2008 10-K and page 27 of the Q1 2009 10-Q are
attributable to price increases. As noted in the June Response Letter, a majority of the Companys
customers purchase specifically-tailored subscription packages. The product components in such
packages are not individually priced consistently across different contracts, since most contracts
are custom configured and priced as an aggregate package of subscription
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
July 23, 2009
Page 3
products and services. As disclosed in the Companys revenue recognition policies described
on page 48 of the 2008 10-K and page 23 of the Q1 2009 10-Q, the Company has determined that there
is not objective and reliable evidence of fair value for any of its services and, therefore, all
elements in multiple elements arrangements are accounted for as a single unit of accounting in
accordance with Emerging Issues Task Force Issue No. 00-21, Revenue Arrangements with Multiple
Deliverables. Since each of the Companys customer contracts consists of different elements, the
Company is unable to provide a meaningful comparison of price levels among the individual contracts
of its various customers within the same fiscal year.
In addition, it is not meaningful to compare price increases on a year-over-year basis
across the same customers in most cases. The Companys customers frequently reconfigure the
products included in their packages when their subscription comes up for renewal, which typically
occurs annually. As such, it is not meaningful to compare product prices among contracts with the
same customer on a year-over-year basis since the composition of the elements within the contract
often change.
Given the nature of the Companys contracts as described herein, the Company believes
that further narrative disclosure regarding price increases is not generally useful to an
investors understanding of the Companys operations. The Company does, however, note that
customer count is currently a meaningful and material factor underlying its changes in net revenues
on a year-to-year basis. Accordingly, the Company has described changes in its customer base that
have contributed to changes in revenue on pages 53 and 54 of the 2008 10-K and on page 27 of the Q1
2009 10-Q. Given this disclosure, the Company respectfully submits that it has appropriately
addressed the requirements of Item 303(a)(3)(iii) of Regulation S-K.
As an additional point, the Company notes that the disclosure cited by the Staff on page 46 of
the 2008 10-K describes generally several factors contributing to the Companys growth in revenues
since 2005 as part of the Overview section of the Companys Management Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Conditions and Results of Operations (MD&A). The Company supplementally advises the
Staff that although it believes the disclosure provided as a general overview in the MD&A is
appropriate for the 2008 10-K and the Q1 2009 10-Q, the Company will continue to review and update
the overview section in its future public filings.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
July 23, 2009
Page 4
Please direct your questions or comments regarding this letter to the undersigned at (202)
973-8800 or Robert G. Day at (650) 493-9300. Thank you for your assistance.
Professional Corporation
/s/ Mark R. Fitzgerald
Mark R. Fitzgerald |
Magid M. Abraham, Ph.D., comScore, Inc. |
Kenneth J. Tarpey, comScore, Inc. |
Christiana L. Lin, comScore, Inc. |
Robert G. Day |